Tuesday 4 October 2011

Down by the Dee with Edna

I should have been colouring letters or painting mugs or sewing stockings (not even started on those yet) or even clearing out the attic (seems to have taken a back seat) but it was such a lovely day I took Edna to Hickory's for a baked potato.

Hickory's was packed, every table outside was taken, and we tried to decide whether these people were just like us making the most of the unseasonal October sun or whether they were tourists or on a day off. We found a nice corner seat from which we could see both the suspension bridge and the city walls.

It was nice to see how the Groves were looking after all the improvements this year, I know when Sis came over Easter it was all cordoned off.

Anyway the Dee looked lovely in the sun - "twinkly water" - delightful!

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