We did the usual "Choaks" and the inevitable "Chris can you help me on the computer please.." and then it was off to the North East to see his twin.
Pixen drove us to Durham for the day and Husb wasted no time at all before he started spending money...
We walked up to the Cathedral...The Cathedral was built in 1093 (it took about 40 years to build) as a place of worship, specifically to house the shrine of the North's best-loved saint, Cuthbert,the animal and bird lover from Lindisfarne, in whose honour pilgrims came to Durham from all over England. It was also the home of a Benedictine monastic community.
Click here for official website.
Pixen and I climbed the 325 steps to the top of the Tower. It wasn't the best day for photos from the top but we did get a good view...of the castle...
...and of the weir over the River Wear...
...and all the way down again to study the Newcastle kit
(The Toongerines indeed)
All that climbing and walking wrecked the Pixen's feet.
Next was the Durham Light Infantry Museum and Art Gallery. (I say "art gallery" but it was all wall and hardly any art...)
Good dressing up corner though. Those coats were SO heavy and HOW did the soldiers wear those hats?? I really enjoyed this Museum. Pixen braved the terrible tunnel, but imagine doing it wearing all those uncomfortable clothes.
The next day we went to Middleton as Mr Denton was booked in for a service there. "WHOOP WHOOP" Chris! Look what we saw in the local Post Office!
Then it was off to HIGH FORCE, the aptly named waterfall where the whole of the River Tees plunges over a cliff edge and suddenly drops 21 metres with a loud roar into the pool below.Very spectacular.
It was a really picturesque walk through the woods to the falls, the low rumble of the water becoming louder and louder. We had a good day for it as there had been heavy rainfall the previous night.
A severe storm uprooted many of the huge trees several years ago.
Geologists love this fine example of rock. High Force was formed where the River Tees crosses the Whin Sill - the rock system followed by Hadrian's Wall. The waterfall itself consists of two different types of rock. The upper band is made up of whinstone, a hard rock which the waterfall takes a lot of time to erode. The lower section is made up of carboniferous limestone, a softer rock which is more easily worn away by the waterfall.
Click here for more.
...and here they are!!
Look how calm and quiet and peaceful it is at the top of the falls!
Just time for a cup of tea and a homemade scone...
...before heading back to Barny.