Mothering Sunday is always the fourth Sunday of Lent.
Mothering Sunday was also known as 'Refreshment Sunday', Pudding Pie Sunday (in Surrey, England) or 'Mid-Lent Sunday'. It was a day in Lent when the fasting rules were relaxed, in honour of the 'Feeding of the Five Thousand', a story in the Christian Bible.
(Hmmmm does that mean we could have had chocolate, crisps, biscuits, cheese and/or yoghurts today then????)
No one is absolutely certain exactly how the name of Mothering Sunday began. However, one theory is that the celebration could have been adopted from a Roman Spring festival celebrating Cybele, their Mother Goddess.
As Christianity spread, this date was adopted by Christians. The epistle in the Book of Common Prayer for this Sunday refers to the heavenly Jerusalem as "the Mother of us all", and this may have prompted the customs we still see today.
It is known on this date, about four hundred years ago, people made a point of visiting their nearest big church (the Mother Church). The church in which each person was baptised.Cathedrals are the 'mother church' of all other churches in an area.People who visited their mother church would say they had gone "a mothering."
A card from Singapore plus the sound of Cub's voice, a visit from the NixenPixen and some fabulous glass earrings from Drake...great ingredients for a great day! And aerobics was busy enough this morning too!
We had a lovely afternoon hunting geocaches in Chester yesterday.We met Nic under the Eastgate clock..
and walked through the Roman Gardens..
and Drakey found the first... a tiny nanocache, werhooo!
Then headed towards the river for the second..
which I found, YIPPEE!
Geocaching takes you to places you wouldn't normally visit and we saw a beautiful cherry blossom tree...
It was a lovely weekend. Thank you all at
Liddy and Diddy, I am wearing Mum's necklace. We found it at Dad'
Love your multi-coloured top! And Joop - awesome!
Glad you had a great day! Lots of love. x
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