Taio was one of the first to arrive for our family reunion

His mum brought his new baby sister to meet us all, the beautiful Leilani.

There was the customary Ode.

Everyone had a brilliant time.

Glynny brought some Atlanta sun to the Hilton, Coventry, where we all gathered this weekend.

Ross with Bet

Nat brought Omi from Trowbridge and Seb brought Nicole, Kelsie and Maisie all the way from Brisbane, Australia. It was an International event!

Wills and Ben
Who would have believed Brian went to the same Uni as Matt... although there were many years between them studying in Essex they had plenty to discuss, "skinny-dipping in some Uni "water" being one of the topics!
Moo's nest was full for a few hours with her Cheery Chaddy Chicks.

The Smith-Rayner clan together again!!! Good times!
Forever cousins (but really we are brothers and sisters)

Beka, Maisy and Fi.

Did I mention 2 of the party were/were about to be 60. It didn't seem to bother them!
They had a great time, a lot of fuss and a personalised bottle of plonk.

Glynny searched the archives for some classic photos of the past, John had a moustache and Bean was posing in EVERY SINGLE SHOT

There were so many hugs.
Nic, Nat, Mai, Omi and Al

I painted Kelsie and Maisy a mug each too as, living in Australia, they had missed out on the traditional coloured name pictures and Christmas stockings.

Seb and Bean

Aah, Uncle Jack!! Didn't he do well!! He is94 and still has a hearty appetite!

This was beFORE the complimentary wine... Good tooting by Hayley and Sis! (We never did manage to make any noise with them though...)

Dad would have LOVED it. We were all missing him despite the fun and giggles.

It was so so good to see Glynny again. We are really sisters you know!!

It was a fantastic day.
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