Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Slowboat Dec 2012

 We had the annual Aerobic/Spinning/Aqua/Bootcamp Christmas party at the Slowboat as usual and after the initial panic that none of my "regulars" could make it (it was on a Saturday night which I personally thought was FAB!) it ended up being a brilliant evening. The food was excellent, the "Ode" was "interesting", the company ON OUR TABLE was fantastic and judging by the texts received the next day, everyone had a great time. Starting with Nemmy and her "boyf"...

Laura and Kath, Ian's sis and mum

Oh yeah, we were there too...

Clare was sandwiched between some Jolly Hollies

The Paralympic Archer himself!! Rich Hennahane with bro and Dad.
He had a couple of verses in my Ode. I think he liked the fuss!

The Hollies (very Jolly)

OMG how stunning does Sue K look here! Wow! Her new job is sooooo suiting her.
Sue, Kay, Kay and Cheryl (never a dull moment on that table then Cheryl....)

Boots and Tesco. Man Utd and Chelsea. Front rowers. (Amanda and Debra)

STEVE-THE-BUS! Martin-the-Bus! Katy-the-Maths!

(Katy-the-Bus sounds ok though)(?!)

Denise, Helen, Fiona, Linz, Julie,Celine.Jo, Theresa, Sian
(last to leave....why am I not surprised??!) 

I had to produce a very generalised Ode as we had people from so many different classes.

Naturally we played Heads and Tails, a Jim Gillson favourite.



Kay (good arms!!!)

The Pickering Family! (lots of!)
Sue, Sue,Val, Helen, Breda, Ann, Jude...

Karen, Sue, Tracey and Daniella

Vanessa, Kate and Mandy

Louise, Kaz and Maz

Angela, Helen, Fran, Kat☺,Dol, Susan and Dr Sue

Lorraine and Archie

Paula, Lorraine and Margaret

Katy with the Bootcamp table

Ian looked a bit concerned about the Cub's up and coming trip to San Fran....(!)
Cub, with true bearlike qualities, seemed totally laid back about it all...

 I BORE these little beauties!!!!!!!!

Emily, Helen and Gaynor went on to Cruise.... they needed more excitement....

Naturally we ♪♫☺ reached for the stars ♪♫☺

All in all it was a really good night. Thanks to the Slowboat for having us.

1 comment:

Clare Dudman said...

Yes! Excellent night!

Ah, it brings it all back...

Great photos too. Mine, alas, came out all fuzzy so I am ignoring them.