He had a lot of fuss at cricket...
...including a bit of attention from Daisy...
He enjoyed watching crown green bowls in the local park while I walked Sammie...
He was very good at washing up though I couldn't find anything when he had finished, it was like a game of hide and seek, especially cutlery, it was most amusing.
SPOT THE GG! (click pic!) I safely deposited the Geoffers on a bench at the woolly cows and then Sammie and I had a game of stick.
I even managed an hour at the Races, whoop whoop!! Well it would have been rude (translated as "I couldn't resist") the offer of a prime parking spot on the historic Chester Walls overlooking the Roodee...(cheers Di)
I'd never seen the Roodee so quiet. This was an extra meeting and a daytime meeting too... on a Friday...so it wasn't surprising ...
Before Dad went home he had the honour of judging the flowerbeds at the Cricket Club... is is usually left to me to decide the winner. This was the winning tub.
We loved having him even though we played musical-beds-swap. He developed a taste for tea ("Cup of tea Dad?" "Haven't we just had one?... go on then")and tried to be SO helpful ("Dad I'm just going to give my car a quick wash" "I'll do that for you" WHAAAT???!) He loved his food. ("Have you got enough gravy Dad? There's more but I didn't want to drown it" "DROWN IT!") and he obviously enjoyed being with us ("Right, when are you coming again, Dad?" "Tomorrow" !!)
Bless. We love him so much.
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