Wednesday 11 August 2021


Saturday 7th AUGUST 2021 5pm
and the support crew for the Annual Dee Mile were ready.

It was nice and colourful down by the river...

...and the suspension bridge's golden baubles were positively gleaming.

The first Dee Mile was swum in 1822

It starts at the RED HOUSE pub (which isn't red, it's white) and the swimmers swim downstream round the bend, the Crook of the Dee, to finish under the suspension bridge . Which actually measures A MILE AND A QUARTER not a mile. Hmmm.
Depending on the tide, the winning time can be about  20 minutes or even 33 minutes.

To be THE CHAMPION OF THE DEE you must win (!), swim without a wetsuit and live within 5 miles of the Cross in Chester's City Centre.

Here comes the winner.

The finish.

There were some high arms as swimmers tried to see where they were going.

Here comes Handbags Claire.

And hubby was there at the finish with her furry onesie.
Disinfect your insides.

I know it was raining but I'm not sure how I was wetter then her, and how she still had her lippy on at the end?!! =) But I DO know SHE DRANK HER CAN OF COKE.

Meanwhile... on another river...The Trent... Emsk was with Natasha!


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