Saturday 18 April 2020

Sicily, Catania 27-8-19

Oh Sicily.
We had been so looking forward to visiting Taormina.
We had to cancel our trip there due to Husb feeling a bit squiffy and all we managed was half an hour in the main square of Catania, where we had docked.
I didn't even manage a plank as the concrete was SO HOT and I actually burnt my hand.

Nice elephant though.

AND we saw an ACTIVE volcano on the sail out.
is a small island off the north coast of Sicily, with 3 active volcanoes.

What we saw on the evening of 27th August 2019 must have been building up to THIS!

On 28 August 2019, at 10:16 AM local time, an explosive eruption sent a pyroclastic flow down the volcano’s northern flank and into the sea, where it continued for several hundred meters before collapsing. The resulting ash column reached a height of 2km.

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