Tuesday 2 April 2019

Drake ran a MARATHON!

Oh my goodnesssss!
Drakey ran a marathon!
We made signs...
There she goes....in pink.

Chief supporter waved his flag...

and we gave her an enormous cheer as she approached us.
This was 16 miles in and she was looking goooooood.

She was so surprised to see us- she was expecting us at the finish.

But we were proud parents and we wanted to see her as often as possible so we jumped in the car and hurtled round to the 20 mile point.
She was still looking sooo gooooooood.

Poppy captured her AIRBORNE! 

Husb dropped me off at the top of Stocks Lane so I could run to Sandy Lane for the last mile...heck I was feeling like I was running the marathon myself haha...

...and I got to the racecourse just in time to see her cross the finish line.
What a little star.



YES, Drakey, just YESSSS!

The racecourse was buzzing with finishers (including Josh)
 (and there were an alarming number of them looking very wrecked!)

Well done well done well done!

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